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Configuration AV Master sous Win XP

Discussion dans 'Informatique et vidéo' créé par Pierre3612, 13 Avril 2003.

  1. Pierre3612

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    J'ai reçu une réponse de Dazzle au sujet de la configuration d'un carte AV Master (anciennement de FAST) sour Win XP. Je ne l'ai pas encore essayé, mais la voici (en anglais):
    " Titel
    AV Master

    Antwort (Delphine Velly) 04/11/2003 04:16 AM
    Dear customer,

    Thank you for your query regarding the AV Master.

    Unfortunately, we cannot offer any interactive technical support for this product anymore. However, we would like to refer you to the Support pages of our Homepage that contain FAQ’s, Tech notes and much more information. You will also find access to the newsgroup.


    In the following, we would like to give you some indications to install the NT-Driver 2.5 with Windows 2000 or Win XP.

    Be aware that this installation is recommended for advanced users with Windows XP experience only. We cannot give any guarantee that the following indications are going to work with each system. We cannot give any supplementary technical support for DV Master and Windows 2000 / Windows XP. The use of the card with these operating systems is under the responsibility of the user.

    Firstly, Windows 2000 / XP should not be installed in the ACPI mode. During the Windows 2000/XP set up, one has to press F5 (on the place where other device drivers can be mentioned with F6) and then select “Standard PC”.

    Subsequently you can deactivate ACPI by opening the category “computer” in the “device manager”, double click on ACPI and then “update driver”. Look at the driver list and select “Standard PC” from the category “(Standard types)”. After the installation and the reboot, all the devices are going to be newly recognized in a non-ACPI – Mode. You will be asked for various drivers after the reboot. Please interrupt the process initially. Depending on the PC’s configurations it may be necessary to restart the computer several times until all the drivers are recognized and installed again.

    After having completed the installation of the AV Master on the PC, you should reserve an interrupt for this slot directly in the BIOS. In fact, the AV Master necessary needs its own Interrupt (no sharing), which has to be between 9 and 15. After starting Windows, you can install the Windows NT driver for the AV Master and reboot the computer. Afterwards, you have to update the “Media controller” in the “Device Manager”. This is where the AV Master’s driver are situated (double click on “Driver” / “Update driver”…/indicate all known drivers on a list…/ select “Audio – Video – Game Controller” / Data Medium / select: C:\Programms\FAST\NT\AV Master\Drv -> select "oemsetup.inf" > select "AV Master Kernel driver")

    After the reboot, the AV Master should be installed correctly in the “Device Manager” and should function with Windows 2000/XP.

    Best regards

    Delphine VELLY
    Technical sUpport
    Dazzle Europe "

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